Wednesday, June 16, 2021

...I cried the store today, a woman set out to go in front of me, I waited, she said ‘no you go’. I said no, it’s okay you go. This woman and her husband were black. They were so beautiful. Why would anyone insist on going, they were first, why would she offer? I cried when I got to the car. I know I am tired. But I also know this injustice has always been close to my heart.

White privilege, I’ve heard about it. It is a thing. Where would this woman and her husband be had we not had generations of racism, that is actually too sugar coated, horror is more like it. Have you read any books that black authors have written? I’ve read some of the easier ones but the reality I’m sure is much worse. I could barely stomach Uncle Tom’s Cabin. I’ve always been saddened by mistreatment of black people. 

Then I saw them at the post office. I recognized her by her pants but truly to be honest because she was black as our town has limited folks who are black, this is also so sad to me, what a great loss of diversity. 

As I got into my brand, new to me, Armada I watched them get into their dusty older SUV. 

Wondering if roles were reversed where I would be? I don’t imagine ever having the mental toughness to have been in this world and been ‘different’. Or perhaps their situation is not as I perceive. I do wish to be a change for good perhaps one day we will have a world that has more peace and love. A little less global warming would be great too. Let’s all wake up a bit.

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