Saturday, July 7, 2012

It is a good morning here in Colorado. The air is unusally cool due to a late evening storm that rolled through dropping much needed rain that of course some dogs, one of mine, find terribly upsetting. However I do believe she appreciated the cool on our morning walk!

What's better that one friend to walk with? Two friends and their four dogs, of course! Quite entertaining to watch  the undercurrent of dog hiearchy go through the pack. Emilee who is almost 14 couldn't possibly be bothered to even argue. She is the leader of everything, don't you know? Libbee fell in love with her friend Quinn who appears to want to annoy everyone but Libbee. Libbee would have loved to just gone home with Quinn and Blue. Blue who is a male blue heeler mix was a beautiful dog and resembled Emilee in breed but not coloring. Max and Ruby. What to say about Max and Ruby? Max stands about 8 inches tall and is in charge of this group and don't you forget it or you'll get the look! Ruby who must be closer to 7 inches was a bit intimidated by Quinn however by the end of the walk she figured that Quinn must be alright enough to occaisionally walk by. 

I wonder if the dogs pay much attention to the adults hiearchy? Is there a hiearchy among friends?


  1. How fun, Karen! Congrats to you for getting all those deep thoughts entered into posterity! I will enjoy reading further. Who knows, maybe you'll have material for a book someday.

  2. Sally,

    It is kind of fun exploring the world of "blogs", not sure if I'm using that terminology correctly. Thanks for your comment! You have to start somewhere right?
